On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:25 PM, Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be> wrote:
> It also says:
> "De gebruiker mag deze licentie alleen overdragen aan een derde
> partij met de schriftelijke toestemming van de licentiegever"
> It think that basicly prevents us from using it, it basicly says
> we can't distribute it to other people without their written
> permission.  So if we ask them something, we should have it
> in writing.  And I guess it would make sense to them if we
> were an organisation like a vzm/asbl.
> Also note that the license of osm doesn't have the same
> requirements as theirs, and users of osm would not be
> aware of that.  I think this might also create a legal
> problem.

Unless that by mapping based on their data, rather than importing
*their* data we instead create a derivative work. There aren't any
restrictions on derivative works, right?

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