On Thursday 08 November 2012 23:21:17 Sander Deryckere wrote:
> I do have some problems with the phrase "De gebruiker verbindt zich ertoe
> de licentiegever op de hoogte te stellen van ontbrekende of onregelmatige
> gegevens die hij in de datasets ontdekt." I wonder if "op de hoogte
> stellen" means notifying or publicating here. It's technically almost
> impossible to notify them, but of course, we always publicate the data, so
> they can check at all times if something has changed.

I think sending them an e-mail is sufficient. But that rule is basically 
impossible to enforce...

If user A adds a dataset, and user B (maybe not even aware of the import) adds 
a missing item that was omitted in the dataset, does user B also have the 
obligation to notify them? User A won't probably even be aware of it. User B 
isn't aware of a dataset. And what if user B knows fixes an error in the 
dataset but doesn't know about the obligation to inform them? And if the 
obligation is only there for user A, how does he know someone else changed 


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