On Thursday 27 December 2012 09:51:36 Kevin Grossard wrote:
> The wiki about the highway conventions distinguishes primairy, secondary
> and tertiairy roads using the N-numbers (although there are some question
> marks). Using the current conventions means using the old classification
> when the N-numbers were given. Various N-ways got reconstructed, the
> traffic got redirected by other roads, some roads aren't suitable anymore
> for the current traffic.
> The spatial structure plan for Flanders (ruimtelijk structuurplan
> Vlaanderen) has a list with the primairy roads [pages 368-377
> http://www2.vlaanderen.be/ruimtelijk/docs/rsv2011/RSV2011.pdf]. I suggest
> to adjust the wiki so there will be an uniform highway classification
> where primairy roads are the roads selected in the structure plan. The
> other N-roads can be describes as secondary roads. Tertiary roads can be
> described as other important local roads (nl: steenwegen die geen
> secundaire weg zijn). Minor or residential roads can be understand as
> local roads (nl: lokale wegen). What do you think?

I don't really think we can just take that classification and apply it to OSM. 
It may not look like it from the map in that file, but it would make Flanders 
almost void of primary roads. Our government isn't very keen to give lots of 
roads a primary status. And all the dead-end primary roads won't give a nice 
map either (ringway of Lier without any primary road connecting to it, things 
like that).

I've been aware about the official classification (read some previous 
discussions in the mailing list archive), but I think we at least need to 
include some secundary classified roads tagged as primary in OSM to make a 
useful map. So far, we don't have a list of those. In the UK, the category of 
official primary roads would be tagged as trunk in OSM.

That said, using road numbers to determine OSM classification is actually how 
it's done in most countries. It's not perfect by far but we've always allowed 
some deviations from the rule where it makes sense.


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