I completely agree with you, Jo.

Having an easy way to contribute addresses is absolutely necessary. The
walking and cycle nodes can follow complicated relation schemas, because
there are only a few thousand of them, the OSM core users can all map them.
But addresses can't, because everyone needs to help with it.

So being supported by simple tools is a must.

Next to that, I have no problem with redundancy, because it allows to do
certain checks. If names, that should be the same, differ, than there's
clearly something wrong, and someone has to check it locally.

Also, there are two queries that happen most: going from an address as
string to a house object, and going from a house object to an address as
string (known as geocoding and reverse geocoding). Both queries don't need
the binding between a street and house object. Having a streetname tag is
enough to execute them, even if there's no street drawn at all.

Only queries like "give all the houses of street 'Veldstraat'" are better
with that binding. But how often do these queries happen?

So I'm all in favour of adding an addr:street tag to every house, and those
who want it can add an associatedstreet relation with the other tags.

On 7 Jan 2013 12:18, "Jo" <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is what I would propose:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/1919939/history
> addr:city, addr:postcode, addr:country, and maybe addr:state, although I'd
> prefer addr:province there go in the associatedStreet relation. The name of
> the street goes into name. This way it becomes usable in the list of
> relations.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/141730010/history
> addr:housenumber and addr:street are filled out on the buildings and POIs.
> The advantage is that this is workable with a minimal editor on a tablet
> or phone, while at the same time reducing tens of thousands of repetitions
> of city names and postcodes.
> This way the street name is available as name on the ways and the
> associatedStreet relations and as addr:street on the buildings and the
> POIs. The redundancy that is created this way allows to detect anomalies as
> described by Jan-Willem and get them corrected.
> A good example is the problem I just fixed, where a street name of a
> street in Leuven inadvertently got applied to the houses in Reet.
> Geofabrik's site spotted that.
> Jo
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