On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:46 AM, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I thought the consensus was that we repeat addr:street for each house but
> not the other information like addr:city, addr:postcode, addr:country and
> whatnot. Imagine what happens to the size of the DB (and all its
> derivatives like the planet files), if everybody starts doing that for each
> and every house/address in the world!
> Potlatch has its limitations, but by choosing to work with it, people
> indicate a willingness to live with those limitations. I can only hope the
> IDeditor will overcome those limitations one day and that all Potlatch
> users will migrate towards it when it does.
> Jo
+1  We should not map for the renderer, nor for the (simpliest) editor.
+1 also on not repeating the same data over and over.

> 2013/4/16 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>
>> I use most of these plugins. But recently I started using them less,
>> because now I  convert my GPX waypoints to OSM data points automatically.
>> The only thing I do not do is repeating the postal code over and over,
>> but since you insist, I'll do that from now on. :-)
>> Can you look at e.g.
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.16279363632202&lon=4.425258636474609&zoom=16an
>>  area I mapped this winter. Please let me know if you think it can be
>> improved. Yes, the city and the postal code are only in the relation.
>> Yes, I know I should use building=house more consistently. Yes, I know I
>> could add sidewalk, lit, parking lane tags as I did (already partially) in
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.134501695632935&lon=4.385626316070557&zoom=16
>> Let me know if you think the data can be improved, as I'm willing to
>> improve my tagging habits.
>> regards
>> m
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be>wrote:
>>>  It doesn't matter where they are , you still have to put those tags on
>>> a relation, so they better be in the correct city to start with ...  Wrong
>>> postal codes, wrong city....  I would rather _NOT_ have wrong ones than the
>>> 'close enough for me' type of data.  My point was introducing wrong
>>> data....  I admit I'm not a fan of the associatedStreet relation.  I just
>>> recently learned it makes it even easier for some to f#ck up my work by
>>> 'correcting' a streetRelation that wasn't broken.  Now it's even more easy
>>> to destroy 'en mass' in a single mouse click.
>>> There are some amazing josm plugins (Address plugin, adress mapcss etc)
>>> to help you do this without pain.   We are all repeating 'building=yes' on
>>> a building, it's not because we put millions of this on the map that this
>>> tag get's to be valued less now than before?   It's because it's needed and
>>> gives useful info.   Why would your thoughts be any different for the
>>> addr:street tag that carry much more useful info than a mere
>>> 'building=yes'.   So no, I don't think we are 'repeating' data, we are
>>> detailing it as such ...
>>> I sometimes believe I'm the only one in Belgium using OSM data in a
>>> non-mapping fashion like geocoding.
>>> There are working JOSM plugins that make sure you'll never ever have to
>>> type the streetname, you just select the named road + addr node + building
>>> and press =  shift-T
>>> See the Terracer plugin.
>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/Terracer
>>> But also, the FixAddresses plugin.
>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/FixAddresses
>>> I just wished it supported AssociatedStreet relations, same goes for
>>> some of the finer mapCSS I see.  I combined them all, and this gives me
>>> powerful view on the address situation in the target area.
>>> http://josm.openstreetmap.de/josmfile?page=Styles/AddressValidator&style
>>> https://github.com/simon04/coloured-addresses.mapcss/raw/master/dist/coloured-addresses.mapcss
>>> http://josm.openstreetmap.de/josmfile?page=Styles/Noname&style
>>> try them, you'll love the colors per street, very nice to spot problems
>>> on corners.
>>> Glenn
>>> On 04/15/2013 07:33 PM, Marc Gemis wrote:
>>> Your complain about street being placed in wrong cities, is exactly why
>>> we should use associatedStreet relations instead of repeating addr:street &
>>> addr:city over and over on individual buildings. In that case you only have
>>> to correct it once, on the relation, and the data is corrected.
>>>  But I'll admit that I've been to lazy to add associatedStreets
>>> recently, as nobody seems to care. And the tools support outside JOSM is
>>> not that great. Repeating the street name twice is completely useless IMHO.
>>>  I think it is possible to combine lot's of house numbers and accuracy,
>>> at least I hope that's what I leave behind :-)
>>>  m
>>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be>wrote:
>>>>  On 04/15/2013 02:38 PM, JorenDC wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In December there was a thread (start:
>>>> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-be/2012-December/003367.html)
>>>> containing some numbers/stats.
>>>> @Sander, *: is it possible to share your used method to pull these
>>>> stats (or just pull them again) and publish them on a 'frequent' base (I'm
>>>> not saying weekly, but what about +/- every 4 moths or so)? In that way we
>>>> can see a bit of our progress regarding this 'project'.
>>>>  The method (overpass query) is mentioned in that link thread (Jo
>>>> points it out).  On the subject..... I've been mapping a lot of
>>>> housenumbers lately, verifying my data against AGIV data before committing
>>>> to OSM...  I can only conclude there is much work to be done,   AGIV is far
>>>> from recent concerning new built houses, and OSM itself has lots of issues
>>>> regarding accuracy.
>>>> I'm not too sure on the scientific significance of such a statistic
>>>> either.   I would more than love to see stats that compair quality of the
>>>> entered addresses.  (completeness , including postal code and other addr:*
>>>> tags, number of corrections etc. )   I've been correcting a lot of mistakes
>>>> and I start seeing a negative tendancy in it:
>>>> The ones that have done a LOT of input but didn't care to quality check
>>>> (validating even!) what they entered.   I'll state this:  I'm cleaning up
>>>> far too much crap others leave behind, I'm far from perfect in my
>>>> housenumbering too in this small village it's still a huge undertaking,
>>>> especially on complex corners where some numbers of the same building
>>>> belong to a different street.  I have houses I've changed 3 times in a row
>>>> after visiting.
>>>> Moreover, I see some people tagging the next city name on a street,
>>>> probably because they think it's in the next city, but OSM shouldn't be a
>>>> guessing game or a race to enter the most addresses if that info is wrong.
>>>> If someone has such an overpass query, I'm more than interested to see
>>>> those results, the rest looks like bragging rights.
>>>> The AGIV site is valuable , even though it's slow.  It's great tool to
>>>> verify what city a certain street belongs to.  for example :
>>>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.998941&lon=4.426396&zoom=18&layers=M
>>>> De "Kleine Parijsstraat" belongs to Zemst, not Mechelen.  If you look
>>>> this up in nominatim, it will tell you it's in Mechelen, which is totally
>>>> wrong.   You will not find this street using AGIV in Mechelen.  But someone
>>>> decided this was Hombeek(Mechelen) instead.  So the borders of Zemst where
>>>> wrong as well as this was used to determine these.    The street above that
>>>> "Boterstraat" can be found in Mechelen, not in Zemst.  Thanks to AGIV, I'm
>>>> more certain when those cases present. ( You can still see the old cached
>>>> tile in some zoom levels)
>>>> But then again, I saw AGIV containing WRONG housenumbers too.
>>>> Verification in the field (twice) confirmed that what I had in mind was
>>>> matching reality.   So it's like a triple check: a) know the place b) visit
>>>> it c) check with AGIV d) map a decent hous e) be complete, using the
>>>> plugins to add Country/postal code/streetname to an address node so the
>>>> data is easily searchable later.
>>>> I really, really have to plea to everyone to enter _better_ data than
>>>> more ...., just instead of looking at the sheer number of address
>>>> info/nodes entered.  It's quickly getting tired when I have to keep
>>>> cleaning up behind the top providers.
>>>> I'll get off the soapbox now.
>>>> Glenn
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