On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 05:04:56PM +0200, Glenn Plas wrote:
> http://www.vlaamsbrabant.be/binaries/kaart-vlaamsbrabant-fusiegemeenten-deelgemeenten_tcm5-11555.pdf

That's not even complete.  For instance Haacht exists of Haacht,
Wespelaar, Tildonk, Wakkerzeel en Kelfs.  You can find signs on
the streets for all 5 of them.  There exists statistics about
people living in all 5 of them, birthrates, ...  So there clearly
is some definition of what those 5 are.  But I've never seen a
map clearly saying where the borders are like they are now.

If you look at the map as produced by province, Wakkerzeel and
Kelfs seem to be part of Tildonk now.

Historically, Kelfs used to be part of Herent and Wakkerzeel
used to be part of Werchter.  If you combine old and new borders
you might be able to define where those are.  I have some old
maps, but I'm not sure they are detailed enough to put the borders
like they really are.


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