It's just to have a legal structure in place to be able to pay for the web
hosting of the website, print flyers and things like that. I have
myself payed for some of these things in the past (not a lot fortunately)
and it would be more convenient this way.

Then there was another reason: people/companies/organisations working with
OSM sometimes have difficulty to find a good point of contact in Belgium.
We could facilitate this with this vzw/asbl. Some feedback has been that it
would he useful to have something there to stay and not one person who
might or might not be there in a few months/years time.

See also:

It also important to try and help people in their own language and in

Pieter's idea may also be something I could agree on (but I would need more
details) and of course everyone has to agree. I'm not sure how this would
fit in the local chapters program of the OSMF? Maybe OKFN Belgium could
become a local chapter then :-)
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