On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 07:55:59PM +0200, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote:
> 2013/10/11 Kurt Roeckx <k...@roeckx.be>
> > On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 04:03:04PM +0200, Pieter Colpaert wrote:
> > > Can we have a vote (e.g. doodle?) for this? It's important that this
> > > person can indeed represent OSM under a consensus.
> >
> > Isn't that something for the vzw/asbl to decide when it exists?  I
> > would assume a member of the board to represent us, like the
> > secretary or president.
> >
> > the idea is that the existing vzw/asbl that is OKFN open a new section
> that will be OSM-Be

So basicly there will be no OSM-be, only OKFN?

> In such a way, we do not need to create a new, specific association, but
> rather be part of a larger one that gets bigger, more representative of
> open data and open culture in Belgium and also takes part of the overhead
> (eg with accounting) in counterpart of asking a fair 5 % of our budget.
> As a project of OKFN, we (the Osm-Be de facto existing «association») would
> get one board member.

We are already a de facto association, so nothing will change?  Or
will be somehow be able to represent OKFN-BE?


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