> I wrote several times without reaction that the law states that the law (e.g. 
> the Moniteur) cannot be copyrighted, that the boundaries are part of the law 
> (normally in the Moniteur) and hence that the boundaries cannot be 
> copyrighted. The same applies to road signs.
> Don't you agree?

OK, I'll bite.
- If it is not in the Moniteur/Staatsblad it is definitely not a law.
(reaction to the use of "e.g." and "normally")
- Yes, you can use the Staatsblad/Moniteur to map things. Not sure how
you would do that.
- I am interested to know to which laws you are referring. Especially
the ones that define the boundaries. I've never found those.
- This does NOT imply that something containing boundaries is by
definition not copyrightable. The colors black and white can not be
copyrighted. This does not imply that any black and white photograph
can't be copyrighted. In our case, if someone makes his own
representation of the boundaries (e.g. a digitization), that is
definitely copyrighted.
- Road signs can not be copyrighted. OK, that means that you can draw
one without getting sued for it. Not sure what it has to do with

I guess that I am totally missing the point of your message.


"Den som ikke tror på seg selv kommer ingen vei."
                                       - Thor Heyerdahl

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