On 2014-09-09 22:14, Johan C wrote :
> In Nederland heb ik de snelwegen op veel plaatsen voorzien van
> bestemmingen. Als bijrijder ben ik in de gelegenheid geweest om
> afgelopen maand de bebording op de route
> Breda-Antwerpen-Gent-Kortrijk-Lille vice versa te fotograferen. Die
> wil ik graag op de manier zoals ik die in Nederland heb getagd gaan
> taggen. Dat houdt het volgende in:
>> In the Netherlands I have the highways in many places equipped
>> destinations. As a passenger, I had the opportunity to be on the
>> route Breda-Antwerp-Ghent-Kortrijk-Lille to photograph. Past month
>> the boarding vice versa I would like the way I tagged in the
>> Netherlands go tag them. That means the following:
> - invoeren destination details conform de werkwijze
> op http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Destination_details,
> inclusief het invoeren van het afritnummer met de tag junction:ref
>> - Enter destination details according to the procedure on
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Destination_details,
>> including entering the exit number junction with the tag: ref
> - het positioneren van de motorway_junction
> conform 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Lane_assist/Examples/Motorway_exit,
> oftewel juist voor de doorgetrokken streep
>> - het positioneren van de motorway_junction
>> conform 
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Lane_assist/Examples/Motorway_exit,
>> oftewel juist voor de doorgetrokken streep
> Het mooie van het toevoegen van de destinations is dat dit een stap is
> om een rijstrookassistent te krijgen in OSM. Mijn op OSM gebaaseerde
> Garmin is al in staat om de bestemmingen niet alleen weer te geven
> maar ook uit te spreken, wat erg handig is in drukke
> verkeerssituaties. Diverse andere OSM routeringsprogramma's
> ondersteunen de bestemmingen eveneens.
> Ik wil graag meehelpen om ook andere Belgische snelwegen te voorzien
> van de bestemmingen, maar op sommige Belgische snelwegen kom ik erg
> weinig tot nooit. Zouden jullie kunnen helpen door het nemen van
> foto's van de bebording cq het opnemen van ritten op de snelwegen met
> een dashcam?
>> The beauty of adding destinations is that this is a step to get into
>> OSM. Lane guidance My OFM gebaaseerde Garmin has been able to show
>> the destinations not only weather but also to speak, which is very
>> convenient in traffic situations. Various other OSM routing programs
>> also support the destinations.
>> I would like to also help provide the destinations, other Belgian
>> motorways but some Belgian highways I get very little or never. Could
>> you help by taking pictures of the signage or the inclusion of
>> journeys on motorways with a dashcam?
Hi Johan,

As I understand it (1) OSM GPS routers use destination
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:destination>=* not to compute
the routes, they can do without,  but to know what the drivers see on
the signs in order to use the same information in spoken instructions
(e. g. call a lane by its destination if possible).    Similarly for
ref=* <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref>   and  name

I did not understand every word you wrote, but it looks like you want
the content of the Destination signposting.  They are all here on Google
Street View <https://maps.google.be/maps?>.  I'm not sure you can copy
the pictures, but pictures is not what is necessary for OSM: what is
written on the road signs is legal information and cannot be copyrighted.

My survey.

On E25.
destination <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:destination>=* is
not usedanywhere and ref=* <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref>
is *not used* onhighway
Hence, *there is no name to use* for a GPS to call a motorway entrance.
For motorway exits, such a ref is useless but ref=*
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref> is used all-right on

Shouldn't the same ref=* <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref> as
of the motorway be used on allhighway

On other major highways.
name <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:name>=* is used but the
driver sees no (real) signs (plates) for it.
ref=* <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref> is almost always
present but the road sign (e.g. N30) is sometimes missing on the ground,
which is annoying for the driver in a roundabout or at the fork to two
main directions.

I tried to contact the MET to report a few such cases, but they did not
*Does anyone know* how to signal the MET their mistakes or should we tag
for the minister?

On 2014-09-10 10:12, Sander Deryckere wrote :
> destination:lanes=Brno;Poysdorf;Mistelbach|Brno;Poysdorf;Mistelbach;Graz;Wien|Graz;Wien
> destination:ref:lanes=A5|A5;S1;A2|S1;A2
> destination:country:lanes=CZ|CZ;SK;H;SLO;I|SK;H;SLO;I
> destination:symbol:lanes=|airport|airport
> Are we really trying to hang ourselves?

Let us think before such an extreme outcome :-)

I'm not a lanes specialist, but it seems to me that lane drawing
topology is enough for routing software to know and tell the driver
which of the lanes (n°1, n°2, n°3) to take to get to another lane ahead.
So, the question is: what should the GPS tell the driver (click, choose
language, click loudspeaker):

  * That  ???
  * or this ???

Is it really necessary to make a mess by trying to spell/translate every
place in/to every language (2)?
Isn't it wiser to use only the (ref) numbering system devised and used
for everybody's convenience?
That's including OSM.
I think that just the destination:ref is necessary, and only if it
cannot be derived from topology.
The names on the signs are for those who drive without GPS and as a
reassuring double check.
Or in the rare cases there would be no refs.

> Anyway, that said, I'll never map anything with the :lanes extension
> myself, nor will I edit any such tag, but I you're willing to go
> through that painful process, I won't stop you.
> (oh, and if you want cooperation for all Belgian highways, better also
> put your message in English or French).
It worked ;-)

(1) they can do without them. This is unfortunately badly explained once
(2) I usually listen to Osmand in English.
Easier to understand (must be my ear too) and sounding like navigating
to the moon (add beeps).
But the real fun is trying to understand French names pronounced à la
English !!! :-)


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