On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 10:23 AM, Sander Deryckere <sander...@gmail.com>

> I also think that destination information on motorways is nice, but not
> completely neccesary. OsmAnd nicely tells you on which lane to drive, and
> does this just by counting lane numbers (nothing fancy like joining to the
> right or left tags, or direction tags needed). It just knows that when you
> have a 4-lane motorway, and after a node, you have a 3-lane motoway and a
> 1-lane motorway-link to the right, you should drive on that rightmost lane.
> And the driving experience already gets pretty nice when knowing the lane.

There are some exceptions to this rule. When you have 3 lanes and the turn
lanes are through|through;slight_right|slight_right, ie. middle lane can be
used for both directions.  So you go from a three lane two 2-lanes. Does
simple lane counting still works in this case ? The exit on the Ring around
Antwerp (coming form the North) towards A12 and E19 is now like that.

While knowing the right lane is the most important thing, I guess that GPS
makers do not want to go "back" to a system where they cannot display
destinations if they currently have a system with it. So I believe that
when OSM wants to compete, we need to add that data.

After adding a few hundreds of turn:lanes, it becomes quite readable :-)

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