I've been trying to map destinations on primary roads as well. Therefore I
asked the following question on the help forum a couple of weeks ago, but
never got an answer:

I want to tag the destinations on a sign like
http://xian.smugmug.com/OSM/OSM-2014/20140810-Herentals/i-ZQhq2MT/A It is
located here <http://osm.org/go/0Ep4vj5pV-?m=&relation=3894019>. You see it
on your right before a crossing with traffic_signals, while driving on a
primary road.

I know the wiki pages on destination
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:destination>, the destination sign
relation <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:destination_sign> and
some proposed extensions

However, I'm not sure about the best way to map the example sign. I see the
following possibilities

   1. as destination-tag on the way after the crossing
   2. as a destination relation
   3. as destination:lane on the way before the crossing

or a combination of the above ?

In case of 1 - the destination tag, do I have to split the way after the
intersection ? Or do I let it extend as far as the current way ?

I do not consider the exit_to tag which is sometimes used in the USA.

What you might not see is that there is one lane for left turns, one for
through and the right most lane is for through and right.

Any thoughts on that ?

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:

> Hi Sander,
> I've been thinking about your statements.  Although I think you are not
> incorrect stating it should be easy to enter, I think your requirements
> to not use josm at all for this (with or without plugins) are a bit to
> demanding.
> I'm a text console kind of person, all day long. I love the vi(m) editor
> but I'm not so inclined into xml-diving some OSM change files.
> Maybe I misunderstand this, but a good plugin in JOSM would probably
> help a lot in taking the edge of editing.
> There are other things that are hard to edit.   Try the new speed_camera
> scheme for example:  although I get what they are trying to do, it's
> complicated and for a camera that does 2 jobs (red light + speed trap)
> you have to add a single relation for each.
> Although this might signal a possible bad design, it doesn't make it a
> bad one by default.  So, I'm not convinced on the 'clearly doing
> something wrong'.  On the other hand, it's not a great design either.
> The only thing that I think is in the wrong place are the translations
> of a destination. (technically then).  But I have to remind myself all
> the time it's not a relational database design I'm discussing.
> I do aggree on the subject that smaller roads are probably more
> important for all the reasons you state.
> Glenn
> On 11-09-14 10:23, Sander Deryckere wrote:
> > Marc, you are right that I don't like the tag because of missing tools.
> > But on the other hand, I think tags should be easy to edit, even without
> > tools. If adding the tags becomes harder than surveying, we're clearly
> > doing something wrong.
> ...
> > Since we have more small roads than motorways, the tags should be easy
> > enough for anyone to add. Without having to use JOSM with some extra
> > plugins.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sander
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