On 2015-02-13 18:46, Karel Adams wrote :
> On 13-02-15 17:03, Jo wrote:
>> Do we have car sharing traffic rules in Belgium?
> Op zijn minst bestaan er gereserveerde parkeerplaatsen.
> Voorbeeld aan station Nekkerspoel (Ontvoeringsplein).
> https://www.google.be/maps/@51.029946,4.489369,3a,30y,106.71h,86.96t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sJ2aKjl84Hyve3lEwG3UrVA!2e0?hl=nl

Nos avans chal on sistime wice qui dès dgins avou ine carte polèt apicî
ine vwètûre
qui passe
èt qu'a ine carte avou, més dj' n' a måy polou trover dès fwért djusses
tags <http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1666772596> po mète çoula so OSM.

>> 2015-02-13 14:56 GMT+01:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:winfi...@gmail.com>>:
>>     2015-02-11 16:17 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <sander...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:sander...@gmail.com>>:
>>         I tried it a bit, and I do have some concerns with both the
>>         mapping plugin and the style JOSM uses.
>>         First, I think that a traffic sign should only have tags like
>>         traffic_sign=BE:C21[7]
>>         and no tags like
>>         maxweight=7
>>         Those legal implications of traffic signs should stay on way
>>         segments IMO.
>>     Fully agree with you, atm you can get the effect you want by
>>     ticking or unchecking the tick box.
>>         Then I've always had problem with tagging variable speed
>>         limits (f.e. those dynamic zone-30 signs). When mapping
>>         signs, there should be a clear difference between the
>>         variable sign and the fixed sign, and that setting should
>>         also apply to the tags on the way segments.
>>     same here
>>         Since we're tagging directions on road pieces too, allowing
>>         direction signs (f.e. F29) should also be possible.
>>     It's a matter of adding it to the XML file. Not hard to do, but
>>     it hadn't been high on my priority list. The icons are already
>>     present in the plugin's image files. One of the reasons I hadn't
>>     added them yet (apart from lack of time), is that I'm concerned
>>     they will take up a lot of space, so the plugin should be changed
>>     and have tabs for categories of signs.
>>         Now, wrt the specific Belgian case, I've also seen a few
>>         mistakes, though not that many, since the plugin isn't very
>>         usable before solving the above.
>>         C9 is translated to moped=no on the wiki, while it's mofa=no
>>         on the plugin. I know the difference is very fuzzy (and the
>>         relation to class A and B too), but we should at least use a
>>         uniform tagging.
>>     C9 seems to be meaningless if Class A or B are not mentioned.
>>     Changed to moped.
>>         C23 is translated to goods=no on the wiki, and hgv=no on the
>>         plugin, again, the difference is rather fuzzy.
>>     added both
>>         C24a and C24b are both tagged as hazmat=no on the plugin,
>>         again a difference with the wiki, and I'm not sure what the
>>         hazmat_ADR_tunnel sign is.
>>     conformed to the wiki, even though no information about
>>     access:explosives can be found there
>>         Sign combinations (like C5+C7) also aren't available in the
>>         plugin.
>>     Didn't readily know what to do with those. Added them now
>>         No-stopping signs are missing from the plugin, and no-parking
>>         signs have no tags attached (parking:lanes:right=no would be
>>         the default tag I guess).
>>     Added, it's work in progress. I skipped the ones I didn't feel
>>     sure enough about.
>>         The F1 sign (without buildings background) is deprecated and
>>         all need to be replaced against June 1st (see
>>         http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20141120_01386508 as
>>         example), I don't think the plugin will be production-ready
>>         against that time. So I don't think it's worth to include the
>>         sign (at least not with that graphic).
>>     Leaving it for the time being. Feel free to contribute a better
>>     graphic for F1a.
>>         F9 should be translated to motorroad=yes instead of motorway=yes
>>     changed
>>         The F17 sign contains some strange defaults (conditional
>>         access restrictions?)
>>     copy pasted from wiki, I'll remove them.
>>         I didn't really check the validity of sub-signs, as I've
>>         often found sub-signs very confusing in real life.
>>     +1
>>     Thanks!!!
>>     Jo

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