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Voorbeeld aan station Nekkerspoel (Ontvoeringsplein).

On 13-02-15 17:03, Jo wrote:
Do we have car sharing traffic rules in Belgium?

2015-02-13 14:56 GMT+01:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com <mailto:winfi...@gmail.com>>:

    2015-02-11 16:17 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere <sander...@gmail.com

        I tried it a bit, and I do have some concerns with both the
        mapping plugin and the style JOSM uses.

        First, I think that a traffic sign should only have tags like


        and no tags like


        Those legal implications of traffic signs should stay on way
        segments IMO.

    Fully agree with you, atm you can get the effect you want by
    ticking or unchecking the tick box.

        Then I've always had problem with tagging variable speed
        limits (f.e. those dynamic zone-30 signs). When mapping signs,
        there should be a clear difference between the variable sign
        and the fixed sign, and that setting should also apply to the
        tags on the way segments.

    same here

        Since we're tagging directions on road pieces too, allowing
        direction signs (f.e. F29) should also be possible.

    It's a matter of adding it to the XML file. Not hard to do, but it
    hadn't been high on my priority list. The icons are already
    present in the plugin's image files. One of the reasons I hadn't
    added them yet (apart from lack of time), is that I'm concerned
    they will take up a lot of space, so the plugin should be changed
    and have tabs for categories of signs.

        Now, wrt the specific Belgian case, I've also seen a few
        mistakes, though not that many, since the plugin isn't very
        usable before solving the above.

        C9 is translated to moped=no on the wiki, while it's mofa=no
        on the plugin. I know the difference is very fuzzy (and the
        relation to class A and B too), but we should at least use a
        uniform tagging.

    C9 seems to be meaningless if Class A or B are not mentioned.
    Changed to moped.

        C23 is translated to goods=no on the wiki, and hgv=no on the
        plugin, again, the difference is rather fuzzy.

    added both

        C24a and C24b are both tagged as hazmat=no on the plugin,
        again a difference with the wiki, and I'm not sure what the
        hazmat_ADR_tunnel sign is.

    conformed to the wiki, even though no information about
    access:explosives can be found there

        Sign combinations (like C5+C7) also aren't available in the

    Didn't readily know what to do with those. Added them now

        No-stopping signs are missing from the plugin, and no-parking
        signs have no tags attached (parking:lanes:right=no would be
        the default tag I guess).

    Added, it's work in progress. I skipped the ones I didn't feel
    sure enough about.

        The F1 sign (without buildings background) is deprecated and
        all need to be replaced against June 1st (see
        http://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20141120_01386508 as example),
        I don't think the plugin will be production-ready against that
        time. So I don't think it's worth to include the sign (at
        least not with that graphic).

    Leaving it for the time being. Feel free to contribute a better
    graphic for F1a.

        F9 should be translated to motorroad=yes instead of motorway=yes


        The F17 sign contains some strange defaults (conditional
        access restrictions?)

    copy pasted from wiki, I'll remove them.

        I didn't really check the validity of sub-signs, as I've often
        found sub-signs very confusing in real life.




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