cuisine described the food served, not the restaurant type.

The wiki is quite clear on that

So I quite agree with Marc that putting brasserie as this key's value is
not a description of the food being served.


> I'm not sure whether I like the cuisine=brasserie. Do all the
> brasseries serve the same type food ? Can't you have a brasserie that
> is only serving fish dishes, or meat or vegetarian or a combination ?
> Can you expect the same food from a brasserie in Belgium and France ?
> as for amenity=brasserie (and amenity=tavern) I fear that is a useless
> tag, as long as the data consumers will not start using it.
> What about the Danish Kro ? should they use amenity=tavern as well ?
> Furthermore what is the difference between a brasserie, bistro,
> taverne, eetcafe ? (I see Thomas has an explanation for brasserie)
> m.

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