

I'll break it down

   1. Obtain the NRN data files from Geobase as a shapefile (SHP). *Quite
   easy to do, just a simple download*
   2. Generate a shapefile for the NRN data in an area (converted to WGS84),
   and a second shapefile based on existing OSM roads in the area. Ensure that
   both the OSM and NRN data are using the same geographic coordinate system.
   This can be done in a number of ways (See below). *Have no idea how to
   begin doing this*
   3. Import the shapefiles into
run the AutoMatch routine using the NRN as the base data set.
   * I can download both programs but can't get them to work together. I
   also don't understand the purpose postgresql, but can and have installed it.
   4. Export the results *Haven't gotten to this point.*
   5. Run the geobase2osm
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geobase2osm>script against the NRN
GML file for the area passing the RoadMatcher results
   with the -e flag. This will generate a .osm file with the complete NRN road
   network in the area and a second .standalone.osm file that only contains
   roads that RoadMatcher has determined are not already in OSM* It's a
   python script, I can proabably run that easily*
   6. Import the resulitng .standalone.osm file using

Thanks, but again, I don't want to inconvenience everyone (I understand
saying this may make it more tempting to help me, so please don't think you
have to)


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Steve Singer <ssinger...@sympatico.ca>wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, Sam Dyck wrote:
> Can you give me an idea as to which parts/steps of the instructions at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geobase_NRN_-_OSM_Map_Feature your
> having problems with? I'm can try to clarify/provide more info on any steps
> that are unclear.
> Basically you need to
> 1. Load the NRN data into postgis (using shp2pgsql which is included with
> postgis)
> 2. Load the OSM data into postgis with osm2pgsql
> 3. Generate shapefiles with the NRN and OSM data using stored procedures
> similar to those posted on the wiki page
> Then you need to import the files into OpenJump/road matcher (The wiki has
> some instructions on doing this, and I can try to answer if anything isn't
> that clear).
> Steve
>  Hi
>> Sorry to ask for help, but I really want to start importing Geobase data
>> for
>> Manitoba and Saskatchewan. If someone is able to help me install
>> RoadMatcher
>> on (open)JUMP and create Shapefiles from OSM data on a Debian GNU/Linux
>> system. Again, if it is such an odious task forget it. But to the best of
>> knowledge there is no one importing data for these provinces, and it would
>> allow me to focus on other features of the map if this data was imported.
>> Thanks
>> Sam D.
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