On Fri, 25 Sep 2009, Sam Dyck wrote:

Can you give me an idea as to which parts/steps of the instructions at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Geobase_NRN_-_OSM_Map_Feature your having 
problems with? I'm can try to clarify/provide more info on any steps that 
are unclear.

Basically you need to

1. Load the NRN data into postgis (using shp2pgsql which is included with 
2. Load the OSM data into postgis with osm2pgsql
3. Generate shapefiles with the NRN and OSM data using stored procedures 
similar to those posted on the wiki page

Then you need to import the files into OpenJump/road matcher (The wiki has 
some instructions on doing this, and I can try to answer if anything isn't 
that clear).


> Hi
> Sorry to ask for help, but I really want to start importing Geobase data for
> Manitoba and Saskatchewan. If someone is able to help me install RoadMatcher
> on (open)JUMP and create Shapefiles from OSM data on a Debian GNU/Linux
> system. Again, if it is such an odious task forget it. But to the best of
> knowledge there is no one importing data for these provinces, and it would
> allow me to focus on other features of the map if this data was imported.
> Thanks
> Sam D.

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