ok, where can I find the gml files? What size do you want your slice to be?
The solution would be to use ogr2ogr first to transform into a shapefile.
The next step is to transform the shapefile into an osm file. Finally, you
would be using Osmosis to cut using bounding box.
No need for Postgis in this case. Postgis would be needed if you wanted to
have something more complicated. In this case, command line tools are
available. I could probably create a small python script doing this in a few
Potential problem here is that shapefile contains only one layer of the same
type by default. Any GML files with different kind of geometries like
Linestring or polygone would need to be put into separate shapefiles.

Emilie Laffray

2009/10/1 Sam Vekemans <>

> Nothing, actually. :)
> Just for a volunteer to take each whole province gml file and slice it
> in a couple chunks, and make the .osm files available, (on a server
> somewhere)
> so then newbies like me, can run with it and just copy in the roads
> that we need. (doing so in a tileBYtile area, claiming our working
> area)
> i have the rectangle areas available as .osm files and .shp files (its
> included in the canvec-to-osm converted zip file for each area).
> .... But we are all volunteers, so there is no rush, and its just a
> request i keep bugging the smart PostGIS people about :)
> Probably for round 2 (next year) a GUI might be helpful, but the
> concept is the same, files on a website directory works just fine. imo
> Sam
> p.s, any special requests for a tile area to be converted from canvec?
> Otherwise, i'll go with 082 area.
> On 10/1/09, Emilie Laffray <> wrote:
> > 2009/9/27 Sam Vekemans <>
> >
> >> Thanks,
> >> Slowely but surely it's getting easier.   Awesome :)
> >> I'm a newbie at this, but im sure there is a VisualBasic programmer
> >> out there who can make a handy GUI with a bare-bones program. If thats
> >> technically possable? I dont know.   ... if there's a way to avoid
> >> installing other programs. .. maybe not. :-)
> >>
> >
> > Yuck Visual basic really stinks :)
> > What is needed actually?
> >
> > Emilie Laffray
> >
> --
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