> Well, I'm no expert on this.

No worries;  I know enough about domain maintenance to get by as I  
host my own personal one.

> All i know is that before 2 days ago, it was registered to user:Dshpak
> (he's the OSM mapper who did all the nations coastline)  or made the
> conversion program or something?
> It then time lapsed, and it looks like it got picked up my a domain
> collecting thing.
> DomainsAtCost Corp.
> http://www.domainsearch.com/cgi-bin/Domain_Search?action=whois&DomainName=openstreetmap.ca&AdCode=infobox2

Yes that is true.  I didn't look at it close enough. It's too bad  
there is no free Whois history service (at least that I can find) as  
it would be nice to know what the scoop was previosuly.

> Jason Reed hosts the data, but does't have access to editing the  
> website.  I
> reached him on facebook (i don't know what his email address is,  
> he's not
> active in OSM right now)
> and Nicolas Gignac is interested in editing the page, so it includes  
> french
> (and update it more probably)
> http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ca/2010-March/ 
> 002294.html
> http://www.domainsatcost.ca/Whois.a05/10spx
> So you'll need to contact Jason Reed & call Domainsatcost.ca (it's a  
> 613
> number)   I dont know, would they have access to the history of the  
> domain?
> I'll message him on facebook asking to contact you.

Ok get him to give me an email.  For now I will get in contact with  
domains at cost to see what is what.


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