Hello list — 

My name is Martijn van Exel, I am on the OSM US board and work at Telenav. I’ve 
written to this list a few times before, but this time I am doing so with my 
Telenav hat on. Perhaps you know that we have the Scout apps (iOS, Android) 
which run on OSM data. (If you haven’t yet, please give Scout a try some time 
and let me know what you think!)

We are always looking into ways to make significant contributions to OSM, in 
the US, Canada and elsewhere. We’re starting to look into Canada more, and I 
could really use your help with a few key questions:

* What is the imports history, particularly in relation to road network, POIs 
and addresses? (Beyond what’s in the import catalogue page on the wiki, if 
* What external (government and otherwise) open geospatial data sources are out 
there that have been or may be considered for improving OSM?
* Are there any Canada-specific mapping and tagging conventions?
* Are there any known big (national) issues in the Canadian OSM data? 
(misguided imports / bots, major tagging disputes, that kind of thing)
* Which (other) companies / organizations / government agencies use OSM data 
for Canada?
* Any suggestions for QA tools that would help the community, either existing 
or new?

I’m happy to discuss on-list or off. Thanks!

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