Most forest service roads in BC are not private. They may be built by private 
logging companies and may occasionally be gated, but the majority are on crown 
land and are open for recreational use. Road conditions vary wildly and roads 
are often unmaintained if active logging is not in progress in the area. 
While I agree that typically these roads should not be used for typical 
intercity routing, they are often used for recreation, hunting, fishing etc. 

Alan (alarobric)

On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 7:59 AM -0700, "Martijn van Exel" <> 

Interesting, that seems to be worth a look! Do you happen to know who these 
open data people are? Do similar open data groups / people exist in other 
On Jun 25, 2016, at 8:16 AM, Kevin Farrugia <> wrote:
Morning everyone,
I was looking at information on one of the Province's imagery programs (SWOOP:
 and I had previously assumed that the imagery was paid for by the province but 
the rights still owned by the imagery company, which is the case where I work.  
However, it looks like they might purchase the imagery outright because it says 
the imagery is owned by the Queen's Printer, which is the holder of the Crown's 
copyrights in Ontario.
If that's the case you can try contacting their open data team to see if they 
can persuade the Ministry of Natural Resources to release the data openly under 
the Open Government Directive as a WMS/TIFFs or you can lodge a FIPPA request 
to have it released (I don't know how this affects you or us being able to use 
it in OSM, however).
You can check out what their imagery looks like here to see if it's worth your 
time contacting them:
 (in Map Layers turn off Topographic Data to see the imagery).
-Kevin (Kevo)

On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Begin Daniel <> wrote:
Missing access=no and access=private tags I understand...


-----Original Message-----

From: Stewart C. Russell []

Sent: June-24-16 22:45


Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] aerial imagery for missing roads

On 2016-06-23 10:26 PM, Pierre Béland wrote:


> Going north outside of urban zones, there are many tracks for lumber

> areas. Hard to assess the accessibility of such roads for cars.

Most logging roads, certainly in BC, are private. While they look large, and 
make tempting additions to the map, accidentally routing traffic along them 
could be fatal. Logging trucks don't (can't!) stop, and unless you have 
authorization and the right radio to call in the checkpoints, the controller 
won't be able to tell you if there's a truck coming that you need to get out of 
the way of.

CanVec also mistakenly digitized a bunch of private wind farm access roads in 
Ontario, such as .

While using these might not be life-threatening, it is trespassing to use them.




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