On Feb 12, 2018, at 6:02 PM, Bernie Connors <bernie.conn...@unb.ca> wrote:
> I see the use of "City of" as indicating the official name of a municipality 
> as it is defined in legislation. Here in New Brunswick the Municipalities 
> Act‎ defines the official names of municipalities. Some opt to use "City of 
> ", "Town of ", etc in the Municipalities Act and some don't. But when it 
> comes to names on maps we should be more concerned with toponyms and not 
> official names. The use of "City of ", "Town of ", etc is very rare in 
> toponyms.  Here is a query on the Canadian Geographic Names Database 
> searching for the term "of" in the "populated places" category - 
> http://www4.rncan.gc.ca/search-place-names/search?q=of&theme%5B%5D=985&category=O
> I only see two examples that include "City of ", "Town of ", etc across the 
> entire country:
> City of Brant, ON
> Village of Queen Charlotte, BC

Excellent, Bernie:  I love the word toponym, it is a good one for a talk forum 
about OSM.  Thank you for those elucidations.  I am from outside Canada, though 
the CGND seems an authoritative source here and we do have others chiming in as 
I type.

+1, I agree that toponym is an excellent starting point for the value of the 
name=* key.  City of Brant and Village of Queen Charlotte might have those in 
official_name but check taginfo and dig into this further with more discussion. 
 Discussion is good.

What I meant by "I smell admin_level harmonization" is that as this discussion 
continues about deleting "Township of" and "Village of" data (and similar) that 
better admin_level tagging might result.  A sort of (trade off?) of "well, 
let's capture the data we consider deleting by adding them into OSM using OSM 

This isn't required, more like a "recycle the scraps on the cutting room floor 
into nice, correct data."  I do that where I can, certainly not always!  Great 

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