usually if its included in name its: Xyz Township not township of xyz

On Feb 26, 2018 3:24 PM, "OSM Volunteer stevea" <>

> Hi Matthew:
> You do fine work here, yet I have a concern about "Township."  I don't
> know if in Canada, a Township is a bit of an "odd duck" like it is in the
> USA.  In the USA, we have county as admin_level=6, township as
> admin_level=7 (in about one-third of states) and city/town/village as
> admin_level=8.  The reason for 7 has to do with the way that a county might
> assign "home rule" responsibilities, which flow from the state extending
> its political administration to the counties, then a county might push this
> through to a "township," a crucial component being that township
> jurisdictions can often (but do not always) cover the ENTIRE county, rather
> than a portion of it, like a city does.  It's a little complicated, it
> varies from state to state, in our Midwest Region it often has to do with
> the way that state surveys were done (not the same in our New England
> Region) and OSM doesn't always align with the US Census Bureau's
> methodologies and/or results, (but does most of the time, there are good
> reasons for why OSM has reached the consensus we have in those exceptional
> cases, and we document these in our wikis).
> If Canada (its provinces, actually, I believe) has this same or a similar
> concept of "township," (you might, you might not), then admin_level=7 might
> be correct on Canadian "Township of..." boundaries.  If not, I'm blowing a
> lot of smoke into the equation and I'll thank you for reading and apologize
> for wasting time on this thread.
> Yes, they are USA-specific, but we have
> United_States_admin_level (prescriptive, comprehensive) and
> (descriptive, rather more user-friendly/novice-oriented).  You might
> check these out (especially
> WikiProject_United_States/Boundaries#Civil_townships) if Canada has
> "townships" as "potentially completely subdivided county entities" and see
> how we do it here (basically, they are admin_level=7).
> Looking at the Canada row in
> boundary%3Dadministrative and
> WikiProject_Canada#Administrative_Boundaries I don't see this, I see that
> "Townships" are agglomerated together with "cities, villages, etc."  If
> that's correct, again, all of this I'm spouting about "Township" can be
> ignored, as it is effectively another word to describe an admin_level=8
> entity and you seem to be fine leaving things that way.
> Regards,
> SteveA
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