
Thank you for your feedback, it has been very helpful. In relation to that we 
come with another proposal: to update the super relation 
(https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1307243)  from the east to west of 
Canada, that includes all the routes and has the folowing tags:
               name=Trans-Canada Highway
name:fr=Route Transcanadienne - we propose this new tag for the route name (as 
we seen that is used only for the way) due to the Francophone provinces through 
which this new route passes

Regarding the way name tag and the ref we won't make any changes. Also, for the 
route type (motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, teriary) we will ask for your 
advice for specific cases.

For the broken relations of Trans-Canada Highway we will create a wiki page on 
OSM where we will describe each route and put a status of the relation and a 
comment box for all the members from our community to see and maybe help us to 
fix this problem.

We will come back with un update for the wiki page.

Olivia Robu

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