After further consideration, I have decided to unsubscribe to this mailing
list, at least for the near future.  I will not be participating in further
discussion, but I don't plan to import any more buildings until you all
reach a consensus.

I have two reasons for this decision:
- I don't enjoy discussion, I don't think I make my points very well, and I
don't think I add to the tone of the discussion.  I'm on OSM to map, not to
discuss and argue about mapping.  @Rps333 (an Ottawa mapper) has it right
with his tagline "Map, Not Words".
- I have been deeply offended by the behaviour of Nate, who has refused to
apologize for a personal insult he made in a private email.  I don't feel
comfortable engaging in a discussion with him in it.


P.S. Please do not send any emails to this account
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