I've specifically and repeatedly requested that the tasking manager be taken down while this project is reworked... though that doesn't pertain directly to the email I just sent.

Nate Wessel
Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
NateWessel.com <http://natewessel.com>

On 3/21/19 2:02 PM, John Whelan wrote:
Nate are you requesting something specific on the Canadian task manager for Toronto at this time or would you prefer to look through Daniel's work first?


Cheerio John

Nate Wessel wrote on 2019-03-21 1:49 PM:


This is exciting news! After much talk on this list, it seems we may have some actual progress toward fixing the various data quality issues. Would you mind sharing some of your code, or a description of your workflow here or on GitHub or the like so we can take a look?

One thing you didn't mention which I think will be really critical, especially in central Toronto: We need to remove buildings from the import dataset that may already be mapped in OSM. That is, buildings that overlap with existing buildings. For this import to make any sense in Central Toronto, we need conflation to move slowly, and in smaller, more manageable steps. Buildings that are already mapped should be checked manually at a later time in batches that a skilled human can manage in less than an hour. The tasking manager as it's currently set up would have all of downtown conflated by hand in one task by a single mapper - a recipe for disaster I'm sure, given how detailed the map is in that area.


Nate Wessel
Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
NateWessel.com <http://natewessel.com>

On 3/19/19 12:58 PM, Begin Daniel wrote:

Hi all,

As mentioned a few weeks ago, I have almost completed the development of a clean-up tool for the data to be imported.

So far, it removes nonessential vertices, orthogonalizes building corners when reasonable and ensures walls’ alignment within given tolerances. Building footprints that can’t be processed completely are flagged accordingly, so they could be examined thoroughly at import time.

Eventually, It should be easy to remove overlapping buildings (potentially generated from a 3d mapping), but I doubt that splitting terrace into individual buildings can be done automatically.

The tool uses some parameters that need to be adjusted. I would like that those who are interested in this aspect of the import send me benchmark data that could be problematic. I will process them to adjust parameters and/or the tool, and I will send back the results to the sender for a thorough examination.

I should soon document the process in the “Canada Building Import” wiki page (in a pre-processing section).

Thought? Comments?


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