
On 12/17/10 17:03, Simon Poole wrote:
Italien ist zwar schon sehr weit (was mir sehr spanisch :-) vorkommt),
aber 90% der Objekte haben sie auch nicht:

Created on: 2010-12-16
Nodes total=23899007, ODbL created nodes=18668446 (78.11%)
last edit was ODbL=2651430 ? (89.21%)
Ways total=2037869, ODbL created ways=1323863 (64.96%)
last edit was ODbL=524807 ? (90.72%)
Relations total=23953, ODbL created relations=15972 (66.68%)
last edit was ODbL=6887 ? (95.43%)

Dagegen http://repo.grimp.eu/osm/europe_italy_status:

Users who have agreed: 5814
Users who have edited in italy : 5483
Users who have agreed at registration in italy : 2713
Users in italy who have explicitly agreed: 1033 (18.84%)
Users in italy who have agreed: 3746 (68.32%)
Objects ready for relicensing: 23099504 (89.31%)
Objects not yet available for relicensing: 2765169 (10.69%)

Aber vermutlich rechnet da eh jeder mit unterschiedlichen Formeln.


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