
   I've used Google Translate to read this discussion. The important
points I wish to comment on are:

1. Leif uses data from "kulturarv.dk" to add information to OSM. He ask
others to leave him alone, and not interfere with his mapping.

2. Michael doubts that this is a legal use of the data, and also claims
that Leif's edits have been occasionally detrimental to OSM data quality
("Du ændrer f.eks.ofte på ting som jeg tidligere har lavet og ikke altid
til det bedre.").

3. Soren says that data is made publicly available in order for us to
use it ("#1 at de skal bruges og sættes i spil").

I agree that this seems to be neither an import nor a mechanical edit,
because Leif claims that he calls up each place individually in the
editor. But, if Michael is right, then Leif does engage in "armchair
editing" and Leif believes that his data source is superior, making
changes where perhaps the local mappers know better. I cannot judge this
becasue I don't know the situation, but Leif should certainly respect
data contributed by local mappers, and aim not to break anything.

The main point here, in my opinion, is the license question. The use of
kulturarv.dk must be stopped immediately, until it is 100% clear that
they are ok with their data being used on OpenStreetMap. This requires:

* either that their web site clearly says the data is public domain (or
some similar text)

* or we get a message from them that says "yes, you can use our data to
improve OpenStreetMap".

In copyright law, the default is "you are not allowed to use it". So if
there's no clear message that says yes,  then it's no.

It is wrong to assume, like Soren does, that any data made public by the
government or a cultural organisation on a web site is automatically
free for us to use; there could be many reasons why they might want to
allow the public to see things on their web site, but they do not want
someone to use the data on OpenStreetMap where it might not even be
obvious where the data comes from and where the data is redistributed.
At OpenStreetMap, we are very conservative with the data licensing - if
we cannot be 100% sure that the data is ok to use, then we DO NOT USE
IT. We don't discuss what the owner of the data might have wanted or not
- we ask them, and if the response is not a clear yes, then for us it is
a no.

If it should turn out that kulturarv.dk does not allow us to use their
data, then all 10,000 edits made by Leif will have to be removed.

Soren also mentions the SDFE imagery and asks if that is ok to use in
OSM. I have no idea - but for the imagery, the same rules count as for
data. There must be a clear "yes", else it's a "no". The fact that
certain imagery is available in iD and JOSM does not necessarily mean it
has been cleared for use in OSM - both editors use repositories that
everyone can contribute to, and to my knowledge neither the JOSM not the
iD development team have good enough knowledge of Danish to actually
review the license pages first-hand.

One final point. Leif feels harassed by other community members who
check what he's doing ("nogen der er på nakken af mig hele tiden"). I
understand that it can be stressful if one's actions are watched; but
here in OpenStreetMap, we all want the map to be good AND we want
OpenStreetMap's image to be good. Even today, some commercial map
vendors say: "Ugh, OpenStreetMap is full of piracy and stolen map data,
don't use it, it is illegal..." - of course that's wrong, and people
just say it so they can sell their "clean" data better, but this is an
example why we must be extremely careful with copyright. We do not want
to give anyone a reason to say: OSM is a pirated map. And therefore, we
must watch what others are doing, and if someone makes the map worse, or
risks to ruin our good image by using data that is not suitably
licensed, it is everyone's duty to prevent that from happening.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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