No es por nada pero si esto es un grupo de discusión en español pediría,
por favor, que los comentarios fueran en esa lengua. Gracias
El 14/01/2013 21:21, "Rafael Avila Coya" <> escribió:

> In Galicia, I use to edit the name tag (galician), name:gl (galician)
> and name:xx for other languages. If I write only one (that is what I do
> most of the times), I just write the galician one in the name tag.
> The question is: if you don't put the name tag, what language does the
> renderer (mapnik or whatever) choose for the rendering? I think you need
> to put the name tag whatsoever.
> Cheers,
> Rafael Ávila Coya.
> On 14/01/13 20:44, José Luis Domingo López wrote:
> >> I regularly extract all OSM elements containing "C/", "C." and
> >> "Avda." and a few months ago I replaced most of them using JOSM. I
> >> only left those in East part of Spain, as I didn't know if the
> >> correct replacement would be "calle" or "carrer", "avenida" or
> >> "avinguda". I can send current file to anyone interested in have a
> >> look at it and continue the work.
> >>
> > "Calle" will be correct in Spanish, but "Carrer" will be the right one to
> > use in Catalan, or "Rúa" in Galician. OSM can store the street name in
> > several different tags, one for each language, so there is no need to
> > choose one language over the others.
> >
> > What I don't know and I would have to check is if there is the need for a
> > "primary name tag" (name), or it is perfectly fine and correct to have
> one
> > or more "language-specific name tags" such as "name:es" and "name:ca"
> for a
> > given street, and there is no real need for a "name" tag is there is any
> > amount of "name:xx" present for the item.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> --
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