Le 29 mars 2018 à 21:34, Stéphane Péneau <stephane.pen...@wanadoo.fr> a
écrit :

> Résumons :
> tl;dr
> It's better since you choose not to overwrite the existing opening_hours,
> but the French community still refuse this import as is.
> - A lot of "new" amenity=fuel are already in Osm
> http://audit.osmz.ru/browse/navads_fuel/NVDS346_54a1ba689826bf65d6a31b83
> http://audit.osmz.ru/browse/navads_fuel/NVDS368_545f7bfa82efa41a49637ace
> Your conflation tool should check the existing fuel stations in a larger
> area.
> - Most opening_hours are wrong.
> A lot of fuel stations can be use 24/7 with a bank card

Automated 24/7 services may be, but this is generally not available for all
services, just a few kinds of fuels. And these automats are also not very
friendly: you jsut insert your credit card, they immediately request an
authoirization for a large amount of money, which is locked on you credit
card limits (weekly or monthly) and also by your bank for some time, until
the station will finalize the transaction for the effective amount of fuel
you took.
And many drivers (notably the poorest ones) cannot use at all these
automats, or don't want to use it because of how they manage the
transaction: so they'll go to stations only on real opening hours where
only the effective amount to pay will be paid and taken on their credit
card, or they will be able to pay with cash (when their credit card has
exhauisted its weekly or montly maximum, for example on a few days after
they paid their house renting costs, or if they had to pay some other
important bill, even if for that they opted to take a credit).

A "24/7 automat" does not mean the station is open 24/7; so the
opening_hours should not apply to the presence of such automats which
should be completely ignored and tagged separately.
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