
using a combination of ilya zyerev's osm conflation and osm conflation audit 
tools, a dataset of proposed changes/additions to osm charging 
stations<http://osm-conflate-audit.glitch.me/project/charging_stations/> is now 
available for community validation

once the 131 datapoints have been audited, we can use josm to import valid data 
as per ilya's 

supporting wiki 


From: Joseph Leach
Sent: 23 April 2019 14:25:10
To: talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-london] bulk importing london open data to osm


using access=private and taxi=yes seems to work 


From: Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 April 2019 12:45:46
To: Joseph Leach
Cc: talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-london] bulk importing london open data to osm

Hi Joe

For the stations that are restricted to taxis... would it be
appropriate to use the access=* tag? It is mainly used for roads/paths
and gates etc, but I think it is used in other cases to specify "who
is allowed to use this feature".

The wiki page for access
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Aaccess> suggests that the
Key:access - OpenStreetMap 
unknown: The access conditions are unknown or unclear. For the access key, 
where users might assume access rights by definition or some default, this 
makes it explicit that the actual situation is not known (since an absent 
access tag might also be mistaken by some users as being compliant to an 
assumed default).

way to do it would be the combination of "access=private" and


Op di 23 apr. 2019 om 12:29 schreef Joseph Leach <joseph.le...@london.gov.uk>:
> hello
> thanks to everyone who has helped us out so far; the current view is that for 
> point data, the osm-conflator and osm-conflator-audit tools are a good fit 
> for syndicating government open data onto osm in a procedural way that can 
> achieve community backing
> there's now a wiki page that sets out the work to date, the data being 
> imported and our implementation of an osm-conflator profile
> we've hit an impasse with osm-conflator-audit, being neither able to run a 
> local installation due to issues with flask_oauthlib, nor (yet) host our 
> changes file on audit.osmz.ru; consequently we may fall-back to using the 
> josm file that osm-conflator outputs with reference to the changes file it 
> also produces on geojson.io - there are a few instances where our data 
> conflates with existing records so we'll proceed with caution; additionally, 
> there's the question of how to show that some charging stations we're mapping 
> are restricted to taxis, currently this is stored in a note tag.
> joe
> ________________________________
> From: Nick Allen <nick.allen...@gmail.com>
> Sent: 14 March 2019 14:35:11
> To: Joseph Leach
> Cc: Tom Chance; talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-london] bulk importing london open data to osm
> Hi Joe,
> Just in case you were wondering if Tom was the only one here.
> Welcome, and I look forward to seeing progress.
> I think Tom made a very good job of answering you, so I won't interfere and 
> confuse things.
> Regards
> Nick (Tallguy)
> Nick & Daphne
> my phone is responsible for any spelling mistakes!
> On Thu, 14 Mar 2019, 13:19 Joseph Leach, <joseph.le...@london.gov.uk> wrote:
> attending the meetup sounds like a very good idea
> on the bus stop example, corporate data releases can have inaccuracies ... at 
> this point i should note that i copied a drinking fountain dataset to sixteen 
> amenities (and added metadata to one in bexleyheath), looking back, adding 
> notes rather than features may have been better in relation to the need for 
> surveys
> will now go and check the guys hospital one during lunch
> ________________________________
> From: Tom Chance <t...@acrewoods.net>
> Sent: 14 March 2019 12:12:47
> To: Joseph Leach
> Cc: talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-london] bulk importing london open data to osm
> Hi Joe,
> There's further useful guidance on the wiki, inc on the licensing point: 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines
> There's also a regular pub meet-up where you'll find people more up to date 
> and knowledgeable than me! The next is on Thurs 28th: 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/London
> One thing they might have thoughts on is how to involve the wider OSM London 
> community, for example in checking and cleaning data that can be imported, or 
> manually adding data. I recall one import many years ago of TfL bus stop 
> data, where we then had to go through removing lots of duplicates, and quite 
> often we found that the TfL data was less accurate than existing OSM data! So 
> it was worth checking each one with a survey.
> Tom
> m: 07866 447 075
> w: http://tomchance.org
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 15:16, Joseph Leach <joseph.le...@london.gov.uk> wrote:
> thanks, this is encouraging
> in relation to charging stations this has already raised questions:
> the data is sourced via various providers, so licensing will likely require 
> several parties to be involved
> the data includes an attribute relating to taxi/public use which could raise 
> issues relating to access
> the data contains likely duplicates of stations already on osm; looking at 
> both tfl and osm data together likely duplicates can be seen for example 
> along Southwark Street SE1, we can use gis to investigate stations based on 
> proximity to those already mapped
> presumably these questions affect all kinds of open data release, so it will 
> be good to get used to dealing with such matters
> joe
> ________________________________
> From: Tom Chance <t...@acrewoods.net>
> Sent: 13 March 2019 08:48:51
> To: Joseph Leach
> Cc: talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-london] bulk importing london open data to osm
> Hi Joe,
> This would be great. Welcome to the list. I used to work at the GLA (2009-16) 
> and am glad to see you proposing this.
> Others will have a better idea of the process, but I'd think a first step 
> would be to create a wiki page and set out the datasets you have, indicating 
> for each one any licensing conditions/issues, what fields you'd import and a 
> check on the current data already existing.
> On the latter point, for example, there are already quite a few charging 
> stations mapped (https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/GVx) and we wouldn't want to 
> duplicate those with your import. You can either go through them one by one, 
> deleting duplicates from your dataset before importing (or merging data to 
> add new fields), or stick the dataset up and invite people to manually check 
> and copy across each charging station.
> Tom
> m: 07866 447 075
> w: http://tomchance.org
> On Tue, 12 Mar 2019 at 22:51, Joseph Leach <joseph.le...@london.gov.uk> wrote:
> hello
> import guidelines state that community buy-in is a pre-requisite for osm bulk 
> data import and as part of the gis team at london city hall i would like to 
> seek community backing for open data releases
> as a trial run, i am manually adding eighteen newly founded drinking water 
> amenities, but for larger datasets would like to investigate the feasibility 
> of bulk imports, for example charging stations
> joe
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