
>> It is hard to find out who exactly prepared the list. I downloaded a
>> huge shapefile with administrative subdivisions for many countries
>> from the GADM project, and they say their EU data comes from UNEP/
>> GRID. The UNEP/GRID web site (http://www.grid.unep.ch/) has a
>> download in Arc/Info file format (.e00) but I wasn't able to process
>> that usefully.
> http://search.cpan.org/~zummo/Geo-E00-0.05/lib/Geo/E00.pm
> I've "hand-parsed" E00s in the past - there's a document describing
> the file format somewhere on the web - so let me know if there's
> anything I can do to help.

The main problem was that there were two distinct .e00 files, one  
with the names of the regions, and one with the polygons in it.  
Whatever way I tried to convert them, including the Perl module you  
mention, I ended up with names not matching the areas (for those few  
areas where I knew the correct name from the shape and location alone).

I'm not even sure if this is the same data contained in the GADM  
shapefile, but here's the .e00 files from the UN if anyone wants to  
have a go at them.



Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00.09' E008°23.33'

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