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Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm a guest only on this list, having subscribed for the sole
> purpose of asking this question but I thought it was not really
> something for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;-)
> I have extracted the following list of "second-level administrative
> areas" for the UK from a data source named GADM. Each of these comes
> with a bounding polygon, the license of which is a bit unclear to me
> so I'd rather not import them into OSM right away, but I think it
> would be ok for me to use these polygons to extract "mini planets" for
> each of the areas.
> My question to you is, (a) would such "mini planets" be useful to
> folks in the UK (does somebody else already do it, or does somebody
> want to do it if I hand him Osmosis-compatible polygon definitions for
> each of the areas?), and (b) is the list of administrative areas
> below halfway sensible, or is it a mix of various levels that would
> only confuse people and nobody would know where to look for his area?

Bet you're glad you asked now!

Going back to the original post, No  I wouldn't want all of these split
out as pico-planets, but yes I would find a split-out set of counties
handy; being in Essex my concept of this is a useful sized chunk, but
t.b.h. I use a pretty arbitrary polygon to take out southern UK to use
[on a Garmin, Vista Cx so size no object but mkgmap has a limit]. I
would quite like to d/l less than the entire planet to this!

I'd cheerfully take uk.osm as opposed to planet.osm & work from that.

A set of county_or_other_area.poly files might be handy, also this might
be useful to work on to define the boundaries in the map, as these are
very awkward to map otherwise.


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