Peter Miller wrote:

On 15 Jul 2009, at 15:50, Chris Hill wrote:

I asked the boundary commission recently for boundary data, though I didn't ask for it in the English rather than geographic form.  their answer was that they define the boundaries but the OS draw them on  behalf of the Boundary Commission, therefore the OS own the copyright of the drawings.  (I've paraphrased a lengthy email here).  They refused to release the data.  they also pointed out that they are responsible for Parliamentary constituencies, "and plays no part in the setting of county, district, ward, parish or any other boundary."

Great stuff.

You are right that the Boundary Commission set parliamentary boundaries, authority boundaries are managed by the Boundary Committee' a completely different body! Possibly it would be worth asking them. Here is some info about them:

Thanks I'll ask them.  Taking Mike's point I'm always game for asking for such things.  It costs nothing, especially by email, the problem - as in this case - is in identifying the person to ask.  Then being careful to ask the right question, sometimes being persistent enough to get the answer and then that the answer you do get my not be useful.  If nothing else it spreads the word about OSM.  In approaching companies and the like who have no obligation to donate data I have had almost no luck, but thanks to the UK FoI I have had answers from public bodies, but not always useful ones.

I'll let you know what happens.

Cheers, Chris
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