On 16 Jul 2009, at 11:31, Chris Hill wrote:

> David Earl wrote:
>> Chris Hill wrote:
>>> Since this is a Freedom of Information Act request, and they have  
>>> refused to supply me the requested information I'll ask the Office  
>>> of the Information Commissioner for a ruling.  Not expecting much,  
>>> but you never know.
>> Even if they did or do supply it, doesn't mean you could do  
>> anything useful with it - copyright still applies to data provided  
>> under FoI.
>> David
> I understand that copyright still applies, but part of the reason  
> I'm doing this is to apply pressure to release this boundary  
> information.  There was a big push when OS asked for comments to  
> release boundary information, partly for democratic reasons and  
> partly because it is damned hard to gather accurately by any other  
> means.  I think extra nudges of such bodies might just help.  Feel  
> free to join in. :-)

I suggest that documenting our efforts to collect data on the UK  
Boundaries page (be they successful or not) will help put pressure on  
the release of the official data that we need.

We did the same thing with the the Gaza project. It didn't immediately  
result in the necessary data being released, but has probably helped  
stir up a discussion. It is worth looking at how the wiki page was  
used to discuss data sources and requests - note that there was no  
talk list dedicated to the area so the wiki was the main medium of  
communication for this project.



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