JR lives just around the corner from me so I should be able to get a copy of the photos onto my laptop. I'm going to the AGI conference next week so if anyone wanted they could then take a copy from me. I might even be able to host them though as he says, it's liable to be just a difficult to navigate collection of filenames.

JR - did you take a GPS trace while you were up in the plane? Oddly enough that might help me with the hosting.


On 13 Sep 2009, at 23:24, John Robert Peterson wrote:

For whoever asked for more wide area images, I went through the collection and picked some more. As such there is a batch of 128 of them uploading as we speak, I will put them in a proper set once they are done, but in the mean time anyone desperate can look here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thingomy/

I have all of these at 12MP (or for the few images taken with my backup camera 10MP) if anyone wants one or 2 of them at full res, let me know, I can email them to you.

Please let me know how much use these are for people -- I expect the main use for them will be visual reference when making edits.

@peter -- It's funny -- I picked a diferent view of the same peice of the town to warp.

I suspect that there is a hill in that logation messing things up.

I would say that rectifying images in this way only works in areas where we already have a lot of detail, as such it's only really useful for special purposes like adding extra fine detail. Would other people agree with me there, or am I over reacting again?

@franky -- thanks.

RE tresspassing, that is the only thing that I miss after the move from scotland, we have the "Land and Countryside Act" which explicitly states that you can go pretty much anywhere you like, there are of course a bunch of exceptions, but in this case, you would be perfectly within your rights to trace out hedges to your hearts content.

2009/9/13 Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>

On 13 Sep 2009, at 22:05, Frankie Roberto wrote:

2009/9/13 John Robert Peterson <jrp....@gmail.com>

I'm not planning to put them all online in the short term -- while flickr would be able ot hold all 10GB of data, it would be an almost imposable ot access format.

The photos look great btw. Such a nice day for it!

Thing this one is my fav so far: 

It'll be great to be able to tag individual fields and hedges - this is almost impossible to do from the ground (unless you're a fan of trespassing).

I have been playing with warper and here is my first result. It seems to need a good number of control points but it is certainly a useful tool. Can one rectify a number of images and then stitch them together into a single image that can be used in Potlatch I wonder?




Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977

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