On 11 Sep 2009, at 14:35, Frankie Roberto wrote:

2009/9/11 Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com>

Too late! JR flew it yesterday afternoon in excellent conditions and I am waiting for him to post his first photos for inspection and to do his blog post about it - stay tuned - there may be an updated this afternoon

I don't know who much else he managed to capture, I do know they spent most of their time over Stratford and has a lot of photos to show for it.

Wow, bet it was a nice day for it (it was clear blue skies up here).

I believe it was. The images I have seen are beautifully clear

Is there any way of getting the photos to appear as an option within Potlatch? If so, I'll happily spend a few hours tracing for you ahead of the conference.

JR is preparing the images at the moment and will start loading them up onto Flickr soon and we can then figure out what we can do with them. Hopefully someone will rectify some of them that form a nice mosaic, but that is certainly not something that I or JR will be doing. When they are rectified it should be possible to access them through Potlatch usingthe external link. Are there any experts it such stuff in the house?

Other people may just want to use them to identify features and position them by eye, or count the number of parking bays or the number of floors on a building.

Fyi, whe images are going to be licensed CC-BY (with ultimate copyright to RJ Peterson and ITO World Ltd), but we will make it very clear that the images can be used to derive mapping without any residual rights over derived data from the copyright holders if that makes sense.




Frankie Roberto
Experience Designer, Rattle
0114 2706977

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