On Fri, 2011-06-17 at 13:50 +0100, Robert Whittaker (OSM) wrote:
> If I've understood things correctly, the CTs (in particular Clause 2)
> go further than ODbL compatibility, and require you to have additional
> rights to grant to OSMF on your contributions. My reading of clause 2
> is that it requires your contributions to be able to be distributed
> under any "free and open" license. Some have disputed this view,
> claiming that the intent of the CTs is only that you must warrant that
> your data is compatible with the current licenses. 

Well, since the contributor terms are an agreement made as a
contributor, one is not necessarily making any statement about the
compatibility of OS open data - one could lie, or think its fine, or
simply take a pragmatic view that current licenses are fine and someone
else can worry about it further down the line if and when it becomes a
problem, with a reasonable assumption that the OSMF aren't going to sue
(I assume that's who the agreement is made with?).



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