On 17 June 2011 14:11, Henry Gomersall <h...@cantab.net> wrote:
> Well, since the contributor terms are an agreement made as a
> contributor, one is not necessarily making any statement about the
> compatibility of OS open data

I'm sorry, but if you've used OS OpenData in previous contributions,
that's precisely what you are doing by agreeing to clause 2.

> - one could lie, or think its fine, or

I'm afraid I don't find a community that asks its members to sign
something knowing that it it likely to be false to be a very healthy
community to be part of. If it's believed that OS OpenData should be
kept in OSM, then we should amend the CTs to make it clear that it can

> simply take a pragmatic view that current licenses are fine and someone
> else can worry about it further down the line if and when it becomes a
> problem, with a reasonable assumption that the OSMF aren't going to sue
> (I assume that's who the agreement is made with?).

But the whole point of clause 2 in the current CTs is to ensure that
we only have to worry about this compatibility issue once, and don't
have to come back to it with every license change. It's within OSMF's
powers to amend the Contributor Terms to remove the requirement to
guarantee future license compatibility if that is what they / the
community wished to do. Given that they have not done so, one has to
assume that they don't wish people to sign if they cannot give that
guarantee. It's therefore not helpful to the community if people sign
to agree to something that isn't true. If lots of people have been
doing this, then it makes clause 2 rather pointless, and is even more
of a reason to remove or amend it.


Robert Whittaker

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