I use addr:flats regularly. I've recently been mapping high density areas around the city centre where a high proportion of the residential addresses are flats, often in converted factories. Here it seems worthwhile to add flat numbers when they are displayed outside the building.

Here's an example of a street where 12 buildings/entrances have been tagged with addresses, but that expands to 191 addresses if the flats are listed separately: http://osm-nottingham.org.uk/?z=18&lon=-1.14193&lat=52.95324&bgl=OSM,1,17&s=%22Woolpack%20Lane%22&st=AddressSearchJson

I use addr:unit as well. I use that for retail/commercial/industrial units rather than residential. If I tag addr:flats=1-10 then I'd assume that refers to 10 separate addresses, whereas I would assume addr:unit=1-3 is a single address. That's undocumented and others may disagree.


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