How do you detect that stuff is gone ? I'm thinking of benches,
waste-bins, telephones, etc. All those little things that are not or
hardly visible on aerial imagery ?
Do you constantly look at the screen of your smartphone or GPS to see
whether there is such a "small" thing mapped ?



On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Andy Townsend <> wrote:
> On 25/02/2016 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> One thought I've had for a long time (and have probably mentioned in the
> past) is a walkers' editor (app rather than web-based). To be used something
> like:
> User goes for walk and records GPX trace, following this sort of pattern.
> Each time the type of right of way changes, the user selects a high level
> type ("Public Footpath", "Public Bridleway" etc in the UK) together with
> optional surface tags.
> User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are
> encountered.
> When user returns home, track simplification algorithm used to make a way
> from the GPX trace and tags it with the tags equivalent to the ROW type.
> User downloads data from OSM and algorithms are used to auto-join the user's
> new ways to existing ways where appropriate (or alternatively, the user does
> this manually)
> That's not a million miles from the way that I map right now, albeit without
> the benefits of an "app" as such:
> I record a GPS trace (on a Garmin) with numbered waypoints in it.  The
> symbols for the Garmin waypoints "mean" something, so the "boat ramp" symbol
> means "public right of way".  If it's a bridleway I'll add "BR" to the
> comment on the Garmin.  If more text is needed (e.g. the name of a shop I've
> created a waypoint for) I'll create an line in an email to myself, the start
> of which is the Garmin waypoint number and the rest of which is the comment.
> When I get home I'll split the individual traces out programmatically, merge
> the comments from the email into the GPX file (likewise) and upload to OSM.
> I'll then edit in OSM using the uploaded trace directly (using P2 - JOSM
> can't process waypoints in a way that's useful to me).  Usually the
> combination of new GPS trace, previous GPS traces, Bing imagery, OS OpenData
> StreetView imagery and my recollection is enough to figure out where the
> path should go, but none of those (unless there are really _lots_ of old GPS
> traces) are good enough on their own.
> On an introductory level, I can definitely see the benefits of something
> that can suggest to people "here are the other attributes of $thing that
> you've just added", like iD does, and like Kort does/used to do (see
> ).
> Cheers,
> Andy
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