On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 11:23:34AM +0000, David Woolley wrote:
> On 25/02/16 17:04, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
> >User can also enter relevant POIs like stiles, gates etc when they are
> >encountered.
> This might have been a good idea in the early days, when most mapping used
> GPS and most mapping was onto an empty map.  These days, I think it would
> just cause problems as it would probably delay the proper association of the
> GPS tracks with, more accurate, aerial imagery data, and would not properly
> account for features that had already been mapped, but possibly on a
> different, or more accurate datum.

While there are many pretty awful gps devices out there, some consumer
gps units can be fairly accurate if used with an understanding of the
technology. I am not happy with the suggestion that aerial imagery is 
more accurate for all the well known reasons of alignment and parallax.
I keep having armchair mappers fouling up accurately surveyed data
with near nonsense, and it is very demotivating.

I sometimes wonder if a source tag indicating some notion of accuracy 
would help, although I am not sure how that could be objective unless it
was using diffferential gps. But my experience of many armchair mappers
is that they just ride roughshod and ignore source tags and the like.
To be fair, the editors don't help with this, and it can be tedious and 
time consuming to review the history of everything before modification.


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