On 29/11/2016 19:19, Andy Robinson wrote:
As it happens the Phase 2b shape files are available. Just rather buried
under an obscure filename.

I'll post again once I've made the route updates for 2b (Manchester & Leeds)

Which routes do the 2b updates have for north and south of Sheffield? North of Sheffield I suspect things are fairly nailed down; south of Sheffield not so much - there's a broad-brush recommendation in https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/hs2-phase-2b-summary-of-route-refinements , but I've not seen detailed plans of that yet and the "consultation" is open until next year (though the previous "options report" https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/hs2-sheffield-and-south-yorkshire-report-2016 gave a pretty clear steer towards one option - but again, no detailed route plan yet).

In answer to Dave and Dan - I'd be the first person to say "don't map stuff that doesn't exist yet and may not exist", but in the case of a lot of the HS2 route it is (a) very likely to happen and (b) quite clear where it will happen. However where plans have been overtaken by politics and where (a) and (b) are not necessarily the case I don't think it does make sense to have it in OSM.


Andy (a different one)

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