Hi all

I was lurking on this list when the original discussion started and it was
in my head when someone approached me about running a mapping project in
Wales. We've been using a little Welsh Government funding to support a
Welsh Language render of osm (currently just covering Wales)
https://openstreetmap.cymru . We've also been raising the profile of osm in
Wales, particularly in Welsh speaking communities. We hope to continue this
work over the coming months and grow a stronger osm community in Wales.
Here are the blogs about the project in English
http://cardiff.theodi.org/tag/mapiocymru/ and in Welsh

We've been discussing the issue of multi-language tagging as part of this
project and we would like to propose an update to the Welsh language
section of the Wiki

I'd appreciate any comment and thoughts.



*Wales is a bilingual country and many place names have both English and
Welsh versions. When communicating in English some places are known by
their Welsh name and some by their English name. When communicating in
Welsh all places are know by their Welsh name. Bilingual names (English and
Welsh versions) are not used in Wales. *

*In general the name tag should contain the name generally used when
communicating in English. In some cases this will be the Welsh name. If in
doubt look for local usage / signage.*

*Where possible please add a name:cy which is the name in Welsh for the
place. Please add this tag even if the name tag uses the name in Welsh.It
may also be helpful to add a name:en, especially if the name tag uses the
name in Welsh.*

*name - Swansea*
*name:cy - Abertawe*

*name - Caernarfon*
*name:cy - Caernarfon*

*name - Heol Eglyws*
*name:cy - Heol Eglyws*
*name:en - Church Road*

On 16 August 2017 at 14:10, Adam Snape <adam.c.sn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The 'best mapping method' is somewhat subjective. If it were the sole
> criteria, then we would instantly create documentation to replace lots of
> the less than ideal tags which have developed and explicitly depreciate
> either the classic (highway=footway/bridleway/cycleway) or 'alternative'
> (highway= path, access=*) tagging schemes. We don't because there is no
> consensus and existing use counts for a lot.
> If there is genuine consensus upon a better way then perhaps this should
> be documented. In the absence of such consensus, documenting how we
> actually currently map is preferable (because it is already prevalent and
> verifiable) to not documentating or documenting one school of thought on
> how we ought to map (but don't yet).
> Adam
> On 16 August 2017 at 11:20, Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> On 16/08/2017 00:22, Warin wrote:
>>> On 16-Aug-17 05:27 AM, Philip Barnes wrote:
>>>>   The wiki is after all intended to document how people map not dictate
>>>> how they should map.
>>> I would think that the wiki should guide to the best mapping method, not
>>> what people have done in the past (as found using taginfo for example!).
>> +1
>> DaveF
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Ben Proctor, Technical Director

*The Satori Lab*, 22 Windsor Place Cardiff. CF10 3BY Wales, UK

b...@satorilab.org | @likeawor <https://twitter.com/likeaword>d | 07904 1234
98 | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/likeaword/>

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