The answer to the question I posed originally seems to be either  "never"
or "immediately". Maplin I understand waiting some more time for the
liquidation process to complete. For clarity the mechanical edit would be
shop=vacant and previous_name=  whichever variant of the Toys R us name is
present; which preserves the shop amenity  with a change of use and
preserves the "landmark" data, which I hope answers some of the concerns
raised so far. Maintaining map data surely has to be a mix of automation
and hand-crafted, not a zealot position of one to the exclusion of the
other. If we know data to be inaccurate and there is an easy fix surely
we're bounden to users of our map to make it the best we can. If we adopt
Frederick's position(which I see, rightly or wrongly, as a quest for
ideological purity) we put community  before users, when I see it has to be
a balance between the two. What's the point of  building a map if we don't
make it as accurate and complete as possible,* as soon as possible*?
Otherwise it's in danger of becoming purely a thing of beauty hand-crafted
by dedicated hobbyists, with  no thought for all those who have decided to
use our map.

How long should we wait for a mapper to verify something that's changed?
Lloyds and TSB  banks demerged 5 years ago - yet we still have 180 branches
with the old name. Likewise the Territorial Army changed name 6 years ago
and we still have 27 instances of the old name. So how about  volunteers
for a campaign to contact local mappers and gently encourage them to update
the map?



On 5 May 2018 at 11:57, Rob Nickerson <> wrote:

> And for the balance: I disagree with Frederik on this one.
> If we know the map is wrong we should fix it. We should not leave it just
> because it may encourage others to fix it and then go on to do other local
> edits.
> Frederik's view is that a crap map encourages more people to edit. I'm not
> convinced. A crap map could also put people off - "why bother, OSM is so
> far behind, I'll contribute to/just use Google maps instead"
> I agree that a *blank* map encourages new mappers, but that was 10 years
> ago! Less convinced that an out of date map does. At least not with our
> current homepage or if we do get a new mapper its most likely to be a
> single edit (maybe with MapsMe) rather than a new prolific mapper.
> So I'm happy with this mechanical edit (full removal preferred, but
> addition of disussed ok too).
> Rob
> P.s. Do we still have cases of Lloyds TSB in OSM?
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