A liquidator will try to maximalise money returned.
This could/should mean sale of fixtures and fitting of leased premisses and then terminating leases.

 On 25/09/19 22:03, Edward Bainton wrote:
Legal situation of leases, fixtures and fittings as far as I'm aware:
- Lease continues and rent continues to be payable.
- Liquidator can disclaim the lease, bringing all obligations to an end OR
- Once in arrears/other breach of covenant (such as keeping open for trade), landlord can deem the lease forfeit: property returns to them - Once owed 7 days' rent (which could be many months hence if paid quarterly in advance), landlord has right to impound and liquidate fixtures and fittings to offset their losses, after some procedural safeguards.

But as SK53 says, eyeballs must be best.

Not a lawyer, just a geek who read this up as a charity trustee. Corrections gladly received.

On Wed, 25 Sep 2019 at 09:07, SK53 <sk53....@gmail.com <mailto:sk53....@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I suspect the fixtures & fittings will be cleared out fairly
    pronto, although not the fascia signage. As the firm has been
    liquidated I presume all leases on retail property are now in
    default, and consequently null and void. Landlords will be anxious
    to get new tenants as quickly as possible, and are likely to clear
    the shops for that reason. (A certain amount of speculation on my
    part as I don't know what the actual legal situation with
    ownership of fixtures & fittings is in these circumstances). Ether
    way we can learn more by some on-the-ground surveys.

    Phones 4U went into administration in September 2014, and their
    shops were cleared out of fittings pretty rapidly, although they
    remained as visible 'ghosts'  on high streets for a long time

    A nice refinement of the shop=X => shop=vacant;disused:shop=yes
    would be to only go from name=Y to old_name=Y when the signage
    disappears. Frederic Rodrigo talked about pedestrian navigation by
    landmark at SotM, and prominent closed shops (and also pubs) are
    often useful landmarks. However, I think this is still a luxury
    for the average mapper trying to keep somewhere up-to-date.


    On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 14:54, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net
    <mailto:o...@raggedred.net>> wrote:

        Thomas Cook shops are not vacant. They may not be open to the
        public today, but they may well be reopened by a new owner in
        the future and that may even be under the Thomas Cook brand if
        the administrator sells some or all of them to another
        company. In the mean time they are still branded and still a
        landmark of sorts.

        If a shop is emptied or reused by another firm then change
        that one otherwise I think we should wait for a while to see
        what happens.

        Chris Hill (chillly)

        On 24/09/2019 14:00, Jez Nicholson wrote:
        I'm a fan of shop=vacant, old_name=Thomas Cook myself

        You could argue for not:name=Thomas Cook maybe

        On Tue, 24 Sep 2019, 13:34 Tadeusz Cantwell,
        <t4d...@gmail.com <mailto:t4d...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            I changed the three shops in N.I to
            disused;shop=travel-agent since I wasn't sure what the
            best practice was in this case. Not all of them had the
            wiki links etc. Any advice on a better way?


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