On Sat, 18 Jul 2020 at 14:49, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> Sustrans' own website mapping has just been updated to take account of this, 
> which you can see at https://osmaps.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/ncn . The dashed 
> lines are reclassified, while some sections have been removed entirely.
> It's not currently released under an open licence so not suitable for direct 
> inclusion into OSM. I will see if I can get permission for the data to be 
> used.

Sustrans' NCN data is available from
as vector tiles under the ODbL. However, note that the "removed"
sections mostly won't be reflected on the ground yet. Also, the
dataset isn't perfect, as there's at least one bit near me where the
route Sustrans have is wrong. I think it's also likely that some of
the small gaps that have been created are inadvertent and will quickly
be filled back in as volunteers review the new network.

We also might need to think about our tagging, as there will now be
more levels of routes: Full NCN routes, other promoted named routes
that aren't on the NCN. How can we distinguish these in OSM?
network=ncn and network=rcn are typically used for national and
regional level routes rather than specifically the Sustrans NCN.

For anyone interested in working with the data, I'm wondering if
vector tiles is the most convenient format? Would a shapefile be
better for example? I was at Sustrans volunteer webinar last night,
and there was concern about getting various OSM-based maps and routers
updated. So if there's a more convenient data format for OSM mappers,
I think there's a good chance Sustrans would look in to it for us.


Robert Whittaker

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