> On 13 Aug 2020, at 11:41, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) 
> <robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jul 2020 at 14:49, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
>> ... However, note that the "removed"
> sections mostly won't be reflected on the ground yet. Also, the
> dataset isn't perfect, as there's at least one bit near me where the
> route Sustrans have is wrong. I think it's also likely that some of
> the small gaps that have been created are inadvertent and will quickly
> be filled back in as volunteers review the new network.
> We also might need to think about our tagging, as there will now be
> more levels of routes: Full NCN routes, other promoted named routes
> that aren't on the NCN. How can we distinguish these in OSM?
> network=ncn and network=rcn are typically used for national and
> regional level routes rather than specifically the Sustrans NCN.

An interesting conundrum.  I’m thinking about mapping and navigation in London 
at the moment (see blogs at 

So my understanding is that OSM normally only maps what’s actually on the 
ground rather than what might be shown on a map (and there was some discussion 
recently about this - 

So even if Sustrans declassify it, if the signs are still up shouldn’t it 
remain in OSM?  Conversely  - how do you deal with older bits of say London 
Cycle Network where signs have been removed or become unreadable. For example, 
I recently had an extended discussion about the status of the paths in 
Brockwell Park in Brixton (changeset here - 
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/83547875> )  Maps showed routes and 
there may once have been signage but there is no longer any signage and 
supporting information says there is not a designated ‘route’ here. 

In my view there is definitely scope to look at adding more info to cycle 
routes/tracks/cycleways to give more information to routing algorithms about 
the real experience of using them.

Would welcome input on what as we’re doing more on this at the London Cycling 

Width of cycleyway is definitely useful if separated from traffic but some way 
of reflecting the comfort of the riding experience on marked routes would be a 
big step forward. Traffic Volumes,. Lane widths, traffic speed all contribute 
(as does surface - gravel bad, cobbles bad, smooth tarmac good)  
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