On 13/12/2020 11:16, Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-GB wrote:
Note that someone who wants to show their map style at OSM website can
be included, though they must sponsor hosting

See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Featured_tile_layers/Guidelines_for_new_tile_layers

As far as I know, the main blocker seems to be
"Capable of meeting traffic demands. The proposed tile layer server/server farm must be capable of accepting the traffic volume from the OpenStreetMap website."

ÖPNVKarte is map style that joined recently.

Dec 13, 2020, 12:08 by n...@foresters.org:

    Seems to me that apart from the tagging, the issue highlighted
    here is with how the general public can easily use OSM? Going to
    the OSM map, the layers on offer are Standard, Cycle Map (which
    does show the driveway connected) etc. but if a user wants a more
    specific use this is not easy to find. To my mind this is where
    more options from the worldwide map fail to deliver and is a
    bigger issue that can be resolved by understanding the 'customer'
    journey better?

The main blocker for a map that shows public footpaths etc. would actually be the "Global scope and coverage" requirement on that page, since public footpaths only exist in England and Wales.

It used to be possible to easily replace tiles from one of the map styles at osm.org with another one, but since the move to https-only tiles that's now much harder to do.  You can replace (say) https://map.atownsend.org.uk/hot/9/253/166.png with https://tile-a.openstreetmap.fr/hot/9/253/166.png at the hosts file level, but need to click through a "scary browser warning" every few days.

More generally openstreetmap.org isn't really designed as a "general public" map destination, which is fair enough (it can't do everything).  It's easy to make suggestions like "it should do X as well" - the tricky bit is actually doing it and maintaining it.  I'd definitely prefer a project landing page that's closer to the German one https://openstreetmap.de/ , but I don't have the skills, energy, time or enthusiasm to make that happen.  I particularly like the "showroom" there - a link to lots of different map styles, separate from the main openstreetmap.de map.

Another example that is surely worth mentioning here is https://cycle.travel - that's designed for a particular use case. I suspect that most people become aware of OSM by seeing the name at the bottom-right of a completely different site that someone sent them to because it was useful.  Another indication of this is the number of help questions that we see where people are having problems with "the openstreetmap app" or "the site gives an error" (and that site clearly isn't openstreetmap.org).

Best Regards,


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