On 01/10/2014, Dave Corley <davecor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Something I've been thinking about for a while now, is that we should look
> to forming into a proper entity i.e. an official OpenStreetMap Ireland
> chapter of OSM.
> [...]

You've only given a list of pros, so it's hard to disagree :p In
general it sounds like a good idea. Some questions and potential
concerns below:

What's the benefit of having our own entity as opposed to proxying
behind the general "OpenStreetMap world" entity ?

What exactly is required to get the legal organisation going ? A
treasurer and a president ? A bank account ? Recurring paperwork ? A
postal address ? Do we want to set up board elections ? Membership
fees ? I have a fair idea of what is needed for such an association in
France, but I don't know about Ireland.

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